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Showing posts from August, 2021

A Blank Page

As I grow older, I have discovered "living" has a way of weaving unexpected twists and turns in my life.  There are those mountain top experiences filled with overwhelming joy and hope. I have discovered that many times mountain top experiences are followed by a descent to the valley below. Walking through the valley can be lined with heartaches, disappointment, pain, and isolation.  Although I am never sure what lies ahead of me as I travel through life, the mountain tops, and the valleys, I am certain that I do not travel alone.  Whether up on the mountain top or in the valley below, there is a rhythm, a heartbeat and melody that runs through all life.  The Creator and the created.  Be still, listen, watch closely and you will see it and feel it surrounding you.    I have been reading a book by Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt, "Aging With Grace." I have been reminded while reading this book of this fact, that more days are behind ...