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Showing posts from January, 2021

In The Shadows

A shadow, a silhouette or outline. Something dark, and overshadowing.  A shadow reflects shape or form and is without light. There are no defined characteristics or features that truly identify the subject that casts the shadow, only darkness can be seen.   Recently  two very important issues that face our country  and individual communities  were recognized in the month of January, Homelessness and The Sanctity of Human Life. Both of these topics are close to my heart, you could say they are my heart's passion. As far back as I can remember I have had a desire to serve among those who seem to be invisible to others, those who live in the shadows. God has placed me in positions of employment or life situations that has allowed me to witness the "why"  people often feel more comfortable living in the shadows. As a society I encourage each of us to pull back the dark curtain and see what has been hidden away.  Often we find men and woman who carry a load...