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Have You Ever Asked Yourself, What's My One Thing?

I love walking, usually I bring along Spotify or Pandora, recently  I experienced  something new for me, I  walked without music, or a podcast, without talk radio pumping sounds of conversations through my ears. I must admit, I thought this is going to be a boring walk. As I walked I noticed the sounds of my footsteps, with each step, I was aware of the sound of my steps as they thumped along the pavement. Smiling to myself, I breathed in the stillness that surrounded me. Slowly songs of the morning filled my ears, bringing a smile to my heart. You know those sounds, a quite song of the Morning Dove, the call of the Pileated Woodpecker, squirrels rustling through the leaves as they scurry around to gather acorns for the winter.  As I continued down the road of ahead, I noticed a farmer was bringing in the fall harvest, in the distance, I could see the red tractor methodically moving back and forth through the rows of corn, the only sound heard, the faint hum of the harvester.  Simple, beautiful, poetic and majestic were the  words came to my mind. The red tractor, the morning sky and me. I loved walking along to the sights and sounds of the morning, it brought peace to my soul. 

I am sure that most of us would agree that 2020 has not been simple, or easy. As a Christ follower I am reminded that Jesus told us that life would not be easy, in fact at times life can be difficult and unfair. Recently a friend of ours passed from this earth to his heavenly home. He discovered he had cancer and the Doctors told him his days were numbered and he had just a few months of life to live on this earth. He walked those last days of his life with faith, dignity and praise. I'm reminded of a line from a very old movie, City Slickers, when Curly holds up one finger and says, " You need to figure out your one thing and stick to it." Our friend did just that, praising God to the he end of his days on earth, you see he knew his new beginning was just ahead, where his faith will become sight and life never ends. Where he sees Jesus face to face and sings with the angels surrounding the throne of God.  A new beginning, the next chapter, a chapter filled with indescribable sights, sounds, reunions, a journey that lasts forever. Our friend, he knew his "one thing" Praising God and leading others in worship, singing songs of praise to the Living God. 

Have you every asked yourself, "What's my one thing?" I have asked myself that question several times throughout  my life.  God has blessed me with many opportunities to grow, serve and share His promise of hope with others. I have been employed in positions that I really had no education or experience, but God always gave me the wisdom and knowledge to perform the job he entrusted me to do. He never ceases to amaze me. 

My one thing?
Journal entry October 21, 2020. 
Be prepared to let go of anything I take from you, but never let go of my hand. Never let go of the hand of God- He watches over me-He is my peace-my heart and all my love is for Him. My life has not been easy, it's been sad, fearful, violent. I've been alone. I've been without money, a place to live, But through it all, God never let go of my hand. When I felt it slipping He knew I was weak, tired, worn and scared, He held tighter. He brought hope to my life through people who were called by Him to serve others, to serve me. In my darkest hours, alone, there was God, holding my hand. Why Her House? Woman need woman to help them tear down walls so high no one can see over. Women need women to bring them hope, hope of a better life through Jesus. Walking through past hurts, wrong decisions, relationship struggles, addictions, sins that fester in our minds that paralyze us from moving forward. Walls that keep others out, but it also keeps us prisoners. Women need women to build relationships of acceptance, a relationship that says, come as you are, broken, battered, scared, and empty. Hope is waiting, renewal and restoration is waiting. Come and see what Jesus has for you. I am thankful for a quiet morning. I am thankful for technology, for YouTube where I can listen to music, I am thankful for my small group, and for my new Bible Study.
End of entry

So, What's my one thing? Ministering to other women who are broken, battered and alone. Sharing the hope and restoration of Jesus with those who believe they will never be good enough for God. To let them know this, nobody is, that is the beauty of God's grace.  

Thank you for reading my blog today. Please pray for Her House as we continue to grow our board, raise funds for a new home and operational expenses. 




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