"Don't try to force fit today into yesterdays mold, instead ask Me (Jesus) to open your eyes so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of life~ From Sarah Young, Jesus Calling Enjoying Peace in His Presence 2004
The snow began to fall on Sunday, by Monday a blanket of white covered the ground as far as my eye could see. While washing dishes, looking out my kitchen window I became aware our bird feeder was empty. I noticed birds lined up in the trees, taking their turn at swooping down, landing on the perch of an empty feeder. The temperature outside was a bone chilling cold, it was below zero, the birds were cold, they were hungry, and without food. They knew where they had found food before, but the feeder was empty. I quickly decided that I would get on my heavy coat, pull on my boots, grab my hat and gloves and then head out to purchase some birdseed. Just as I was getting ready to warm up the car my sweet neighbor sent me a text, she was checking with me to see I needed anything from the store. Perfect timing, don't you think? I told her I was getting ready to go to the store to purchase birdseed, her reply was swift, I will pick some up for you when I am in town.
This morning as I look out my back window I am in awe of the beauty of the snow, how it billows and bursts with the movement of the wind. I watch as large clumps of snow fall from the branches of the trees that line the woods behind our home. Nature seems quiet this morning, as quiet as the snow that follows the rim that surrounds the icy pond, my heart is aware of the beauty of the silence of the snow. The hawk, who usually stops by to perch and peer over the pond has not been seen or the Bald Eagle who glides over the pond in search of prey has yet to take flight this morning. However, there is an exception to this silent motionless morning. As I sit watching out the window from my dinning room table I could see them, they were lining up, the Cardinal, the Blue jay, and others waiting to take their turn at the bird feeder, yes, even the Blue jay allowed others to go before him. I guess he knew they were hungry too. Quietly I sat, careful not to move. Peering out the large sliding glass door window, unaware of my watching eyes the birds continued on their mission to eat. Some were resting on the shepherd's hook, others lined the tree limbs surrounding the feeder, all were waiting, just waiting for their turn to be fed. The word that came to my mind first was Jesus, the Good Shepherd. He is my resting place. A place of safety, a place of care and fulfillment. I sometimes go through the day unaware of His presence or taking Him for granted, but He is there, waiting, just waiting for me, to come and talk with Him. The second word, was community. How God's love is centered around community. The birds needed to be in community with one another in order for all to be fed, people created in the image of God need community for support and encouragement and God longs for community with us. Jesus, community and the last word was provision. I started this blog with the story of my sweet neighbor contacting me at just the right moment, perfect timing. I have a friend who calls this a "God wink." God's perfect provision. Of course the birds didn't know I was on a mission for them, but God did. You see Jesus is my Good Shepherd, He watches over me and takes care of my needs, He surrounds me with a community of people who support me while providing for my needs, yes even the need for birdseed. Like the birds, I too, rest on the Shepherd's Hook.
"Open your eyes so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of life." Precious day of life. Each day is a gift, today was a reminder to open my eyes and see. To watch for precious moments in time just waiting to be lived. To remember the lesson from birds at the feeder, Jesus, community and provision.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is, Psalm 27:8 My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming."
He is always there watching and waiting, providing for our needs.
Cheryl Thornsbrough
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