As I grow older, I have discovered "living" has a way of weaving unexpected twists and turns in my life. There are those mountain top experiences filled with overwhelming joy and hope. I have discovered that many times mountain top experiences are followed by a descent to the valley below. Walking through the valley can be lined with heartaches, disappointment, pain, and isolation. Although I am never sure what lies ahead of me as I travel through life, the mountain tops, and the valleys, I am certain that I do not travel alone. Whether up on the mountain top or in the valley below, there is a rhythm, a heartbeat and melody that runs through all life. The Creator and the created. Be still, listen, watch closely and you will see it and feel it surrounding you. I have been reading a book by Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt, "Aging With Grace." I have been reminded while reading this book of this fact, that more days are behind me than are ahead of me. I u
"Don't try to force fit today into yesterdays mold, instead ask Me (Jesus) to open your eyes so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of life~ From Sarah Young, Jesus Calling Enjoying Peace in His Presence 2004 The snow began to fall on Sunday, by Monday a blanket of white covered the ground as far as my eye could see. While washing dishes, looking out my kitchen window I became aware our bird feeder was empty. I noticed birds lined up in the trees, taking their turn at swooping down, landing on the perch of an empty feeder. The temperature outside was a bone chilling cold, it was below zero, the birds were cold, they were hungry, and without food. They knew where they had found food before, but the feeder was empty. I quickly decided that I would get on my heavy coat, pull on my boots, grab my hat and gloves and then head out to purchase some birdseed. Just as I was getting ready to warm up the