As I grow older, I have discovered "living" has a way of weaving unexpected twists and turns in my life. There are those mountain top experiences filled with overwhelming joy and hope. I have discovered that many times mountain top experiences are followed by a descent to the valley below. Walking through the valley can be lined with heartaches, disappointment, pain, and isolation. Although I am never sure what lies ahead of me as I travel through life, the mountain tops, and the valleys, I am certain that I do not travel alone. Whether up on the mountain top or in the valley below, there is a rhythm, a heartbeat and melody that runs through all life. The Creator and the created. Be still, listen, watch closely and you will see it and feel it surrounding you. I have been reading a book by Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt, "Aging With Grace." I have been reminded while reading this book of this fact, that more days are behind ...
"Don't try to force fit today into yesterdays mold, instead ask Me (Jesus) to open your eyes so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of life~ From Sarah Young, Jesus Calling Enjoying Peace in His Presence 2004 The snow began to fall on Sunday, by Monday a blanket of white covered the ground as far as my eye could see. While washing dishes, looking out my kitchen window I became aware our bird feeder was empty. I noticed birds lined up in the trees, taking their turn at swooping down, landing on the perch of an empty feeder. The temperature outside was a bone chilling cold, it was below zero, the birds were cold, they were hungry, and without food. They knew where they had found food before, but the feeder was empty. I quickly decided that I w...